The artist about her work:
Through a series of icons and popular heroes, symbolic and historic correlations come to light, elaborated as an interpretation of the past itself.ValenciaĀ“s process begins with the choosing of events and its proposal as common experiences shared and academically elaborated by the legitimizing voices of the hegemonic systems. After this process, she alters images and codes, aware of their semiotic charge, to generate comments of irony and criticism. Valencia says: āThe current historical time is a period vibrant with information, and at the same time, fecund in disinformation, iĀ“m aware of the social responsibility of those authorized to transmit media information
Andrea Valencia,Colombia, 1973. Master in Fine Arts from the Fine Arts School in Cali, Colombia.
With her work she has been able to position herself as one of the most important young artists in her country, receiving a deserved recognition of the domestic and international critics.a

Stencil on canvas

Solo shows
Agitacion. Pramantha Arteteca, Lamezia. Italy
Representing Leisure Class. Centro Cultural Comfandi, Cali. Colombia
Post-Exotisms. Alliance FranƧaise, Cali. Colombia
Happy endings. Casa Proartes, Cali. Colombia
There are painted. Banco do Estado, PopayƔn. Colombia1999
Group shows:
PraticĆ”s de figuraciĆ³n,Galeria El Nogal. BogotĆ”, Colombia
Violare, Lāavanzata continua, Pramantha Arteteca, Lamezia. Italy
Bula de Intenciones. Urban Intervention,Colectivo Paralelo de Arte. Cali, Colombia
Not a girl who misses many things, Installation, Casamata Arte, Cali. Colombia
A Mi Medida. Photo Instalation, Alliance FranƧaise, Cali. Colombia
Muestre a ver, Videoarte. International Film Festival Cali, Lugar a dudas. Cali, Colombia
DiƔlogos. TrilogƬa, Cali. Colombia
Alucine Toronto Latin Media Festival National Film Board (www.alucinefestival.com), Toronto. Canada
III Short Fikms Festival (www.funcionvideo.org), Sala Maumau, Barcelona, Spain
Hall Young Artists, Claustro la UmbrƬa, BogotƔ, Colombia
DejƔte Ver, Lugar a dudas, Cali, Colombia
Rodando, Pacific Region Meetings, Cali. Colombia
ARBO, SalĆ²n ArtecĆ”mara, Corferias, BogotĆ”. Colombia
Solidarte., Gallery El Museo, BogotĆ”. Colombia
Por pintar, Gallery, Cuarto Nivel, BogotĆ”. Colombia
Imagen Regional, la RepĆŗblica Bank, PopayĆ”n. Colombia
Ciudad HƔbitat, Cultural Center, Cali. Colombia
40 National Artist Show, Mapa Teatro, BogotĆ”. Colombia
ContradicciĆ³n, Cultural Center, Cali. Colombia
Ciudad Quimera, Modern Art Museum La Tertulia, Cali. Colombia
Francia 2005, Modern Art Museum La Tertulia, Cali. Colombia
ARBO, Art Show, Corferias, BogotĆ”. Colombia
Pura Ilusion, Modern Art Museum La Tertulia, Cali. Colombia
39 National Artist Show, National University of Colombia Art Museum, Bogota. Colombia
XII National Paint Show BBVA, LuĆs Ćngel Arango Library, Bogota. Colombia
X Regional Artists Show, Proartes House, Cali, Colombia
X National Paint Show BBVA, Casa Cuadrada Gallery, Bogota. Colombia
IX Regional Artists Show, Municipal Palace, Cali,Colombia
V Octuber Show, Cultural Center, Cali. Colombia
Planetario Distrital. Bogota. Colombia
Entre Amigos, American Colombo Cultural Center, Medellin. Colombia
26 Plastic Artist, La Pared Gallery, Bogota. Colombia
IrrupciĆ³n, Gabriel Turbay Library. Bucaramanga. Colombia
199737 National Artist Show, Corferias, Bogota. Colombia
II International Biennial of Drawing, First Prize, Skandia Gallery, Bogota. Colombia
VIII Regional Artists Show, Commerce Chamber, Cali, Colombia I Performance Festival, Welcome Museum, Cali Colombia